To start off get a picture or texture off the internet make sure its school appropriate after use a new photoshop file and select background contents: Transparent then use photoshop tools to make it into a letter of your name, then select file:save for web and select desktop, once you do this for every letter of your name go to then make enough rows and columns for your first and last name make sure to select :Do not generate CSS after copy the "html" of the table and go to your blog select new post and select html and paste the table. Then Insert letters of your first name in the top row <th></th> click between the tags >< choose the INSERT IMAGE icon. It should look something like:
When I first did this assignment it was confusing but after a while I got the hang of it.
Photoshop is a program that lets you edit and transform a image (or more).
Some of the tools I used were: lasso, eraser, magic eraser, crop and healing brush tool.
A few keyboard shortcuts I used are: ctrl + Z , ctrl + v, ctrl + c, alt + shift + ctrl + s and ctrl + n.
Using a blog is very confusing at first but after learning a bit, like how to create a blog and how to make a post it's very easy.
To create a new blog Select NEW BLOG, add a title and an address (i.e.
What I have done in Layout is add my Character picture, a Bus as my heading and a list of classmates in infotech.
So far I have only done one thing in HTML, and that was for The Letters In My Name assignment.
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